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The Security Risks of Keeping Client Files In Your File Room

File Folders

Whether you run a small business or own a private medical practice, chances are that somewhere in your office, there is a filing cabinet—or several—filled to capacity with important client files. While you may have had the best of intentions storing each of these files close by and within reach, the truth is you could be jeopardizing the security of your business and your clients by making vital information and data so accessible. Let’s take a closer look at security risks of keeping client files in your file room.

Breaches In Privacy

Without a doubt, one of the largest security risks you take by keeping client files in an on-site file room is the exposure of private client-related information such as dates of birth, credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, and addresses. Although you may assume that these important statistics will be adequately safeguarded in your office, it only takes one successful break-in or assistance from employees who should not have access to these files for such pertinent data to fall into the wrong hands.

Financial Penalties

In addition to presenting major security implications, the disappearance of, or improper storage of, client files can also result in fines by various government agencies. According to a recent Forbes magazine article , even large hospitals and banks have had to pay upwards of hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars in fines for improperly securing paper documents.

Loss of Business

Placing your clients at risk of experiencing identity theft is certainly an unwise business strategy. In order to avoid losing customers as a result of inefficient security standards around the office, consider placing their confidential files in an off-site location that is constantly under surveillance, such as a self-storage or records storage facility.

Are you ready to increase the level of security that both you and your clients enjoy? If so, be sure to speak with Specialists at Pouch Self Storage to discover the benefits of keeping files in a highly secure Self Storage or Records Management facility. Call (888) 258-9626 to learn more about our document shredding and file storage in Orange County.