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  • How to Pack Your Belongings

    Moving the contents of a home can be a daunting endeavor. There is always a lot of work involved. However, following a few simple guidelines can help to make your move more manageable. If you are packing boxes for moving or to put in a storage unit, watch this video for some helpful tips.

    The video suggests the first step is to identify possessions you no longer want or need and gift, donate, or dispose of them. The video also recommends packing electronic goods in their original boxes. The presenter cautions against packing more than 50 pounds of your items into a single box, to avoid the danger of breaking your items. The video advises movers to sort boxes by destination room.

    Here at POUCH Self Storage, we believe that moving the items from your home or office can be a stress-free experience. To discover more about our packing supplies, moving trucks, storage units, and boxes for moving , visit our website, or call one of our Self Storage Specialists (800) 378-4598.

  • Organizing and Storing Your Important Documents

    Do you have a stack of important paperwork sitting in your home or office that needs to be organized? It can be difficult to keep up with records management, especially when you have so many other things going on in your life. To get your problem under control, you should find an organizational system that works for you and then use self storage in Fullerton to keep your important documents safe. Here are tips for organizing and storing your documents.

    Keep any documents that are difficult to replace in a fireproof safe at home.

    There are certain documents that you simply cannot afford to lose. For example, your birth certificate, Social Security card, and will are all examples of documents that you should have on hand with you at all times. These documents can be placed in a locked safe and kept at home. You should not take them to self storage units because you will need to access them often.

    Place tax returns in sturdy plastic containers and keep them inside climate controlled storage.

    You should maintain your tax records for seven years after filing them with the IRS. The problem, of course, is that these tax records can take up a lot of space in your home or business. For that reason, you can take care of your tax records management by organizing important tax forms by year , placing them into plastic bins, and then using self storage units to store them.

    Create categories for your other important documents and keep only what you need.

    Over time, you will likely accumulate other important documents, like warranty information, payment records, and more, that you will want to hang on to for as long as you need them. This paperwork can be stored inside of a filing cabinet once it has been organized. Go through it occasionally to see what you should keep and what you can toss.

    POUCH Self Storage offers jumbo storage units for individuals and businesses looking to store important items. You can find out more about our self storage units by contacting us at (800) 378-4598.