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How to Pack Your Belongings

Moving the contents of a home can be a daunting endeavor. There is always a lot of work involved. However, following a few simple guidelines can help to make your move more manageable. If you are packing boxes for moving or to put in a storage unit, watch this video for some helpful tips.

The video suggests the first step is to identify possessions you no longer want or need and gift, donate, or dispose of them. The video also recommends packing electronic goods in their original boxes. The presenter cautions against packing more than 50 pounds of your items into a single box, to avoid the danger of breaking your items. The video advises movers to sort boxes by destination room.

Here at POUCH Self Storage, we believe that moving the items from your home or office can be a stress-free experience. To discover more about our packing supplies, moving trucks, storage units, and boxes for moving , visit our website, or call one of our Self Storage Specialists (800) 378-4598.