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POUCH Happening – Memorial Day Confusion

FOUNTAIN VALLEY – When I arrived the other morning a tenant was already parked ahead of me. I parked next to him but stayed in my car. I saw him going back and forth trying to open the office door. So finally I went out from my car and told him we open at 7:00 AM.

He also said that he was here the same time yesterday. I told him we’re closed for Memorial Day and pointed to him the door sign stating we’re closed. I also showed him the big sign for the access hours at the entry gate.

From being upset earlier he now looked embarrassed so I asked him if he read all the posted signs. He said he lost his reading glasses and can’t read at close range. I told him next time just to call if he’s not sure. He just looked at me again as if he never heard what I said. Then smiling he said, he has a hard time hearing as well.

He apologized for being early and thanked me for being here on time to help him out.